Friday, October 17, 2008

Reminder- Journal#2 Due Week Five

A friendly reminder that your second journal is due at the start of next week - Monday October 20th. Also, you may want to do your comment for the following week early, since everyone's post should be up by the start of next week...
Please remember to edit and proofread carefully before posting. Quality is more important than quantity, and your journal is good practice to use what we have been looking at in class, especially the writing class. Think about the basic parts of a paragraph - topic sentence, controlling idea, suporting sentences, concluding sentence, and transition, and also the five elements elements of good writing- purpose, audience, clarity, unity and cohesion.
Have a good weekend, and see you soon,

1 comment:

Dayanqi Sarah Si said...


I was disappointed by the show of Vancouver Calendar.

From the website,I saw tonight is the last time of the exhibition.But everything had turned down when I got there 6pm today.

The host of Ayden Gallery said they put an end to it in advance.It was a mistake.